Due to fluctuating inventory, we cannot offer exchanges at this time. If you would like to make an exchange, we recommend returning your eligible item for a refund and purchasing a new item to exchange it.
Returned items must arrive back to us in their original, unused, unaltered, and unwashed condition, and must be returned with the original tags and in their original protective packaging. All returns are subject to inspection before a refund is processed. Returned items that do not meet the above criteria or that are damaged in transit back to us may not be refunded.
To return an item(s) for a refund just send it to the address below with a copy of the order confirmation email and a written explanation of why the item(s) is being returned.
A refund will be issued to the original form of payment once your return has been processed. Please note that we cannot refund the original shipping charges or the return shipping costs with the exception of faulty or incorrectly shipped items.
If you would like to inquire on the status of your return, please provide us with the tracking number provided by your mail carrier and your order number.